About Us

Our Features

We provide Professional service for:

  • Mobile Sync and Protection

  • Sharing files between colleagues

  • Onsite Equipment is not Dead

  • Secure Access to your Business resources

  • Best in class Monitoring solutions

  • Hardware Procurement

  • Securely dispose of sensitive information

  • Email Attachment Scanning

  • Security and Anti-Virus

  • Professional consulting for Amazon Web Services (AWS Cloud)

  • Professional consulting for Google Cloud Platform (GCP Cloud)

  • Professional consulting for Microsoft Azure Cloud


Meet Our Team

Donovan Francesco

Donovan Francesco

Chief Technical Officer

Stay-Lee Francesco

Stay-Lee Francesco

Managing Director

Wade Paul Pienaar

Wade Paul Pienaar

General Manager

Get In Touch

24/7 Award Winning Support

As partners we feel your pain when systems become unresponsive or down. We have a Support team monitoring all our solutions and alerts the tactical team to resolve issues before you know they exist.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

If you feel that we have not lived up to the promise defined in our service level agreements we are more than willing to give a 30 day money back guarantee. I can assure you that you won’t want to leave.